Human rights advocacy has at its core the principle of universality.
Human rights are indivisible and are universal – applicable to all. Despite almost all governments in the world having committed to realising the rights of all children, street children around the world still face immense obstacles in access their rights. They face high levels of discrimination, exploitation and violence, and are habitually denied access to education and health care.
Yet it is not always seen as a human rights issue – street children are often thought of as a charitable cause. When planning practical advocacy for the rights of street children, it can seem like a daunting task. Sometimes it is hard to know where to begin, or how to effect the changes that you want to see. This course will give insight into methods for developing advocacy strategies for the world’ most vulnerable population, and how to put those into action.
Through this course, you will learn about the steps involved in putting together a comprehensive advocacy strategy, based on your organisation’s priorities, strengths and interests. You will gain insight in the advocacy successes and obstacles of others to strengthen your own advocacy. Finally, this course will discuss the UN treaty body system, in particular how to engage with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
What you will learn:
the end of this course you will be able to:
Develop your own comprehensive advocacy strategy for
street children in your own context.
● Build on the successes that have been achieved by others in their context to strengthen your own advocacy.
● Make more effective use of the UN treaty body system for increasing pressure at the international level for the realisation of street children’s rights in your own context.
Who should take this course:
course is designed for those working with street children, whether directly or
indirectly. This course can be taken by anyone who wants to learn more about
how to create real change for street children at local, national, regional or
international level. You don’t need to have prior knowledge on human rights
advocacy to participate in this course. Knowledge on street children or
children’s rights is useful prior to participating in this course.